this is a visual explanation 👆🏻

what are you looking for?

Submit a topic that you are interested in. (use 1 word or more - whatever you need)
The Human Browser will send you 3 resources:


#1 on point

Something that is so on point it almost feels inhuman for a real person to have found this for you.


#2 needed

Something you didn’t know you were looking for, but that is somehow exactly what you needed.


#3 unexpected

Something you would never find, and would never even have been looking for in the first place. You like it, although you are not sure why.

Submit a topic you need to find out more about (use 1 word or more - whatever you need to describe your latest obsession, current Google frustration, or longterm passion)

* we will not send you any spam, promise.

(As a human, I also want to learn. And not just to  become smarter in the sense of Google’s algorithmic optimisation. I want to learn like a real person!)

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could be

You might call me a Google for Google!
When you know the answer already, but you also know there must be a better answer.


it's not

This is not nor or any standard search engine out there.


In a time of information overload and technological disruptive bs, we want to enable you to break free of the algorithms - and what is a more impactful place to start than a search machine?

“The search engine has increasingly become our first point of contact between us and everything, and yet a single search engine of Google now dominates 90% of the global web search market” - Ted Hunt 2020

Currently, using a search engine for finding resources all starts with quantity: the fastest and the most results.
But don’t we all know that feeling of scrolling through pages of search results, after which we still don’t encounter what we (think we) are looking for, only to try again?
So who is actually doing the work here?
And how do we make sure we are exploring the world, instead of the world exploring us?


What inspired us?


Weirdness is power

“Such anomalous behaviour challenges convention, breaks the conspiracy of conformity and stumps the algorithms. AIs and other enforcers of social control can’t follow what they can’t categorize. Weirdness is power, dissolving false binaries and celebrating the full spectrum of possibility. Eccentricity opens the grey area mutations develop and innovations are born”
   - Douglas Rushkoff, Team Human p. 145



"Lo-tech is one of many abbreviations of the term low technology, which is defined as simple, unsophisticated, uncomplicated, and pre-dating the industrial revolution. Lo-tech machines or systems use traditional or non-mechanical technology, such as crafts and tools. It’s the opposite of high-tech, which is a term for relatively new technology that incorporates advanced features. High-tech, which is typically given bias as better, has proliferated its machined complexity and is increasingly seen as problematic, inefficient, and expensive. The destructive one-size-fits all approach of high-tech heralds a homogeneity and uniformity that fundamentally counters the heterogeneity and natural complexity of ecosystems”
   -  Julia Watson, LO-TEK Design by Radical Indigenism p.20


Embrace a polychromatic world

“And in the end, then, it really comes down to a choice: do we want to live in a monochromatic world of monotony or do we want to embrace a polychromatic world of diversity? Margaret Mead, the great anthropologist, said, before she died, that her greatest fear was that as we drifted towards this blandly amorphous generic world view not only would we see the entire range of the human imagination reduced to a more narrow modality of thought, but that we would wake from a dream one day having forgotten there were even other possibilities.”
   - Wade Davis, Dreams from Endangered Cultures, TEDTalk 2003


Engineer for serendipity

“What differentiates serendipity from luck is that serendipity can be engineered, it can be designed, it can be nurtured and watered, and when looked after, serendipity can look after us. It can take a life of its own.
Simply put, serendipity is when the connection between things, leads to something positive. That can be the connection between people, ideas, neurons, technologies, cultures but it is fundamentally an event whereby things connect leading to something wonderful.”
   -  Jon Barnes, ‘Serendipity is an algorithm: here’s my source code’